Exceptions include:

  • Job Not Found (With Reference Number)
  • Job Not Found (Without Reference Number)
  • Documents Need Grouping
  • Multiple Jobs
  • Identify Documents
  • Custom Exception

The first two exception types are by far the most common, and invoices with these exceptions are still eligible for automatic assignment if a subsequent update from CargoWise allows for a match to be identified. Items with any other exception will not be automatically assigned.

Suggestions for resolving each of these exception types are discussed below.

Job Not Found (With Reference Number)

In these cases, BravoTran has resolved all other potential exceptions, but the item can't be assigned because the correct job can't be identified. BravoTran has identified a likely reference that may be used to assign the item, but it is not present in any of the reference fields searched by BravoTran (e.g. job number, container number, MBL or HBL number, etc.).

In these cases, there may be no action required, other than to create the relevant job or add the appropriate reference to the job in CargoWise. When BravoTran finds the specified reference on any job via an update from CargoWise, the documents will be assigned automatically. Users can also manually assign the documents if they find the correct jobs in the search bar.

Job Not Found (Without Reference Number)

These cases are similar to the case above, but BravoTran can't identify an explicit reference number to allow it to assign the job. However, BravoTran may still be able to identify and automatically assign the documents as new jobs are created or references added--it may simply not be able to specify from the page what those references are.

As above, there may be no action required. However, if a user would like to specify an exact reference, this can be performed by clicking the green "Resolve Exception" button and then adding a new exception by clicking the red "Mark Exception" button. 

Documents Need Grouping

This exception is applied when BravoTran believes that the documents have not been grouped correctly. In general, BravoTran expects documents from the same jobs to be grouped together. In particular, the ordering that BravoTran will not work on is when documents are sorted by type, e.g. all house bills, then all commercial invoices, then all packing lists, etc. Items with this exception will not be automatically assigned.

To resolve this exception, you should first click the green "Resolve Exception" button, then click on "Group Documents" and use the grouping functionality to sort the documents by job. Once this has been performed, document groups can be manually assigned in the "Assign Documents" step, or can be flagged with the exception "Job Not Found" either with or without a reference number to allow BravoTran to attempt to automatically assign them.

Multiple Jobs

This exception is applied when BravoTran has found multiple potentially matching jobs. Items with this exception will not be automatically assigned. 

To resolve this exception, you must first click the green "Resolve Exception" button, then determine which of the potentially matching jobs visible on the left side of the page is the correct match. The item can be selected using the check box and the green "Assign Documents" button can be clicked to assign the item. If a clarification email is required, this can be sent by scrolling to the bottom of the left side of the page and selecting "Add Reply". Once a reply has been sent, the item will move to the "Waiting" queue.

Identify Documents

This exception is applied when BravoTran is uncertain about the doc type of one or more documents in an email. Items with this exception will not be automatically assigned.

To resolve this exception, you must first click the green "Resolve Exception" button, then click on the "Identify Documents" step at the top of the page. From here, you can select the different document pages in the document viewer on the right side of the page, and select the correct document type on the left side of the page. This step must be performed for all documents with unknown doc type. After this, the item can be assigned or exceptioned as needed.

Custom Exception

Custom Exception is used by specific users to indicate other reasons why an item may be in an exception state. Items with this exception will not be automatically assigned.