What is Charge Code Mapping?

Charge Code Mapping is a means of exerting more control over how BravoTran predicts charge codes to be used on your invoices. Mappings can be created using a variety of criteria such as vendor, charge line description, and department to handle a variety of scenarios where specific charge codes should be used.

Where can I view/configure mappings?

All users flagged as admins have access to view and edit mappings on the following page. It can also be found by navigating from your dashboard to Settings -> Charge Code Mappings.

How does this work?

While not all fields are required to configure a new mapping, a "standard" mapping might consist of a specific vendor, a charge line description to look for on their invoices, and the matching charge code that should used when found.

This will override BravoTran's usual methods of learning how to map charge codes in various scenarios and in this example will instead suggest the manually mapped FRT code when the description "Ocean Freight" is recognized from a valid charge line on invoices from that MSC org. Note that by default this will not necessarily prevent an existing accrual of a different code from being selected if it otherwise matches; see notes on using the "Required" flag below.

Mapping Options


In addition to vendor specific mappings as shown in our default example above, a mapping can also be entered without a vendor entirely. This will allow that mapping to apply to any invoice regardless of vendor and is useful to avoid duplicating mappings for common scenarios across vendors, e.g. a "Profit Share" charge might always use the code "PS".

Vendor specific mappings will always be prioritized over non-vendor specific mappings when applicable, allowing for you to make a more generic mapping that works for 99% of your vendors while maintaining the ability to configure something else for select vendors with different rules.

Description from Invoice

This field requires that the entirety of the entered description is found within the text of the line on the invoice to work, e.g. a mapping of "Ocean Freight" will not match to a line listing just "Freight" but could match to a line listing "Import Ocean Freight". The description can also be entered as a wildcard using the * character which will allow that mapping to match to ANY description regardless of found text. This can be useful to set a sort of default charge code for a vendor and have BravoTran always suggest the same code regardless of listed charges.

Mappings with longer descriptions will always be prioritized over shorter ones when applicable, and wildcard mappings will be used with even lower priority still. This allows for multiple mappings of various specificity to be used even for similar (but not identical) descriptions, with a wildcard as a fallback for any others not mapped in a more specific way.


You can click "Add Department" to expand additional fields below the mapping that allow for different codes to be selected based on the department of the job associated with the charge line.

Mappings that match one of the specified departments will always be prioritized over ones that do not. This allows you to only specify mappings for departments as needed, as departments unlisted here will use the more general code entered above the department specific ones.

The "Required" Flag

This optional checkbox controls automation behavior whenever the mapping would be used. The default behavior (when the box is unchecked) is to use the mapping to supply the charge code for BravoTran's predictions only, and otherwise not limit potential automation that may be allowed even without the mapping in place. For example a mapping exists that tells BravoTran to use the "FRT" code but the operator intentionally accrues charges as "DCART" instead. The invoice is for $400 and matches the accrual exactly, so the invoice posts using that accrual despite not matching the mapping.

When the "required" box is checked the above behavior is NOT allowed. This flag checks to see if the invoice is using the description from the mapping, and if found will prevent the invoice from being automated without at least one accrual of the required code being included. This is useful for example on vendors that frequently include smaller unplanned charges such as detention/demurrage as it can prevent erroneous posting of pre-accrued charges that are close to the invoice total due to estimated costs but not actually correct.